Regarding the cancellation policy
What if we cancel the tour booking?
Regarding cancellations, there are several types of cancellations which we will discuss regarding booking tour packages that have already made a down payment For the down payment for booking a tour package, it is used by us to guarantee the booking with us. And if If cancellation is
- made one month before arrival, 80% of the full payment will be refunded From the bill amount, either pay us in full or pay a down payment first.
- For cancellations one week before arrival, we will only refund 50% of the amount of payment received minus fees
- For cancellations 3 days to 1 day before arrival, 100% non-refundable funds will be requested.
How to make a safe order and payment to us?
- Consult your booking with us in advance about your travel needs
- If it is considered certain and your needs are in accordance with what we have explained, then you can make a down payment first and you can pay the rest. After meeting with our team.
- The amount of the down payment is 30% to 100% of the bill amount in the billing invoice